Thursday, December 15, 2016

Scotch Day

Some days at school are normal. Some days are Scotch Days.

It's a scotch day when a student yells at his teacher across the room.

It's a scotch day when that student rips up all of his work and yells at the counselor.

It's a scotch day when the student makes a threat to kill the principal and the parent is called to pick him up.

It's a scotch day when the student barks at his parent when the parent arrives.

And it's a scotch day when the parent barks back.

Some days are scotch days,


This morning, at 8:05, I walked into my assistant principal's office.

"Hey, you look busy. What's up?"

"Ugh. Bus referral. It's Angela again"

"Huh. What'd she do?"

"Started the wave on the bus and called her bus driver a bitch."


I walked out of her office.

It was 8:06.