Monday, October 13, 2014


For all parents reading this, you need to know something very important. You can't keep any secrets. They all come out in Guidance Class. All. Of. Them.

Take today for instance..

Chool Counselor: "Kindergartners, let's talk a little bit today about respect. Respect is treating others the way that you would want to be treated."

Student "Mr. Counselor, My mom used to work at Hooters."

Chool Counselor: "Thank-you Jenny."

Safety Patrol

Every year, I spend some time attempting to teach my wonderful, beautiful, elementary students about the "individuals in the community that keep them safe"... Police Officers, Firefighters, Park Rangers and the like. However, these yearly entrails never go completely without verbal happenstance:

Chool Counselor: "Kindergartners, tell me a reason why you might need one of these people to help you?"

Kindergartner #1: "Explosives"
Kindergartner #2: "Heart Attacks"

Or the involvement of organized crime..

Chool Counselor: "2nd Grade, Police Officers are so important. They are friendly and can help you in many ways."

2nd Grader #1: "Not dirty cops, Mr. P"

Chool Counselor: *Sigh*

2nd Grader #2: "Mr. P, what's a dirty cop?"

Chool Counselor: *Sigh*

My end goal is to always impart to my students a little bit of wisdom and share a positive image of those first-responders in our communities that put their lives on the line for us. If I have to clear up some misconceptions about the Mafia in the mean time, so be it.